Mind Power

Wednesday, December 6, 2006

The Power of the Mind

Hi there. If you have done any research on the internet regarding making money, the first thing these websites advocate is reshaping how you think. Strange, isn't it! Apparently, the average person is brought up 'thinking' that getting rich is wrong. Here is the kicker. If you go to websites that talk about the power of the mind, they preach there is nothing you can achieve! You cannot 'will' yourself to make money, or can you? You see apparently the world is shaped by your sub-conscious mind as opposed to your conscious mind.

The sad news is that the sub-conscious mind is more easily influenced by the person's environment than its counterpart. If you are constantly told something everyday, you begin to believe it. But knowledge is power. The same way you practice a skill over and over so that you can improve, you can selectively decide on what stimuli you want for your sub-conscious to have more control over your life.

I do not know about you, but I would like to feel I am in the driver's seat as I negotiate life. It is scary to think that the people you meet, the television shows you watch and the environment you are exposed to has so much influence on your life. Thanks for reading and live life to the fullest!